From China
When I was a church planter in Minneapolis in 1992-93 with the Baptist General Conference, I was part of a consortium of 4 church planters. We met regularly to discuss the good and challenging parts of launching new churches. Our churches were diverse in many regards, but it was still a positive experience to have peer validation and encouragement.
From Japan
Though the function may not be exactly what you are describing, to see what is happening in the case of Japan, you can go to (Japan Church Planting Institute), something which has been happening for about 15 years.
From Poland
Thank you for your encouraging words. I just met with 4 church planters this past week. We had a nice time and decided to look at the 8 essential qualities of Healthy Churches taken from the book “Natural Church Development” by Christian Schwarz. Please pray that I would be a blessing to these guys and that their church plants would be full of fruit.
Also, I have been in contact with Ritch and hope to be part of his network of church planters.
ASCP in Poland may be dwindling down. There is no meeting set up so far this year – we will see what happens.
From France
Thanks for the encouraging update! I will be attending, along with several other RG-Europe colleagues, the City to City Conference with Tim Keller in October. I feel a strong sense of alignment with Redeemer and their approach to church planting.
From SE Asia
There is a coalition of about 40 pastors and churches here in _____ (Can't mention names or places) to whom God has given a vision for M-work and a CPing movement. I spoke at a large conference with them yesterday. This kind of vision and cooperation is quite unprecedented... The Spirit was working yesterday like I have seldom experienced. Today I consult with 20 leaders who want to start a M-outreach and CP training center. This would be akin to a church planting network for this region.
Thank you for your responses!